The Remnants of Time Ensemble tells the story of life passing through time. The deep texture of obsidian symbolizes the accumulation of memories and the depth of time itself. The teardrop earrings capture the fleeting beauty of each moment, while the pebble necklace represents how these moments transform into lasting memories. Wearing this set, one can feel how time shapes every experience, turning them into cherished memories and leaving an indelible mark.
The Obsidian Teardrop Earrings reflect life’s precious moments through the image of a raindrop. Each drop signifies subtle yet profound changes, gleaming briefly before fading away. Combined with the rich tones of obsidian, the design symbolizes how even fleeting moments carry deep meaning, becoming eternal parts of our memories.
The Obsidian Pebble Necklace mirrors the smoothness of a pebble, symbolizing moments polished by time. Pebbles represent resilience and the richness of experience, while the obsidian’s texture adds depth and strength. This necklace reminds us that even in the simplest moments, life’s memories become treasured legacies.
Together, the Remnants of Time Ensemble combines raindrops and pebbles, showing how time and memory intertwine. Each raindrop captures a fleeting moment, and each pebble represents time’s lasting impact. This set carries the essence of life’s journey, reminding us to treasure every moment as it becomes an eternal mark on our path.